Fresh Produce at the Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto

Supporting local farmers at Brickworks and Fresh from the Farm

In a time where people are constantly rushing due to busy schedules and busy lives, many of us (including myself) don’t take pause to wonder where our food comes from. Rushing in and out of a traditional supermarket, we rush to get things to make meals for the week and many times we don’t consider where these things come from. As I walk through many of the aisles, I see countless examples of California grown produce being featured while locally grown produce is not available. While I don’t want this blog to come off preachy, there is something to be said for knowing where our food comes from.

Enter the Evergreen Brickworks Market in Toronto.

The Brickworks goes beyond just getting food for the week; it is truly a shopping experience. As you meet some of the vendors who stand by the food that they work tirelessly to make, you can’t help but be inspired. This inspiration only takes one so far as the food truly speaks for itself.

This one time outing has become a Saturday morning tradition and I will walk you through some of my very favorite things to do whilst at the market.

Step 1: Everyone needs Energy!

Like any good adventure, one needs fuel to help them go. Luckily, one of the vendors makes one of the best breakfast sandwiches known to mankind. This sandwich is housed on a very delicious ciabatta bun, pesto, basil leaves, tomato, Applewood Smoked bacon, free run eggs and cheddar cheese. It is truly something to experience! I was so busy sampling and taking pictures that they didn’t even realize that I had not payed. I quickly returned to the scene of the crime to rectify the situation. They also provide some wonderful homemade waffles that will make you weak at the knees and coming back for more!

Step 2: Get some Fresh Produce

Fresh Produce at the Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto

The produce is probably one of my favorite parts of the trip. All of this local produce is absolutely fantastic, almost as if nature was creating art. All of these farmers are truly artisans as they paint their canvas with beautiful produce of all shapes and colors. Some of my favorites include the BizJak Farms Apple stand. I have a soft spot for apple farmers as my grandpa was one and I spent many a summer picking apples. The second is Everdale farms. My brother in-law’s girlfriend actually works for this farm and has excellent produce and value for your dollar.

Step 2: Get Garnishes and Desert:

Now that you have all of the raw materials to make some great dishes, it never hurts to get some top notch garnishes or desserts to accompany your dinner. Two of my absolute favorites, although diametrically opposed, Kozlik’s Award Winning Mustard and LPK’s Culinary Groove. For those gluten-free lovers LPK has an excellent selection of desserts. I personally love as much gluten as I can get but that’s just me!

Step 3: Go For Walk

The Brickworks has some fantastic sights! The grounds have been landscaped meticulously, which makes for a great experience. Walking is always a good option especially after tasting many of the great treats from the local vendors.

Step 4: Join the Community

This place is truly a community. The local planting initiatives help to turn children’s thumbs green. Dog aficionados also have a place to call home as this place is very accepting of dogs of all shapes and sizes. This is just a fantastic place to visit!

Step 5: Get a Drink

One of my final places to stop after all of this adventuring is the local juice stand. All the fruit is fresh and I always get them to throw a big chunk of ginger in with my oranges for good measure. Not only does it pack a bit of a punch but it is excellent for you.

Step 6: Fresh from The Farm

While this isn’t technically at the Brickworks, Fresh from the Farm has become a mandatory stop for us at least once a week. This small shop on Donlands near the Danforth has been providing us fresh meat from known local organic farmers. The quality is excellent and they have provided countless steaks, roasts and turkeys for all family occasions.

The store is run by a family and people that care greatly about the cause of putting good quality food on your table. Jacqui and Chris are always there to help with great suggestions as they constantly get a great supply of fresh meat and other great products. They also have a lot of other top-tier canned goods and fair-trade coffee and chocolate. We visit them nearly every week to stock up our fridge and freezer.


While it might not be feasible for everyone to go to the farmers market (Brickworks) or to visit great local shops (like Fresh from the Farm) every week you should definitely give it a try. Working these places into our routine is perhaps not as convenient as a huge groccery store, but it is far more gratifying to know that the food you put on your table is from a farmer that truly cared about it. Aside from the obvious environmental benefits from not having your food shipped across the continent, you are supporting local business which is really the engine of any economy. This blog is not just advocating for people to visit these places in Toronto, rather I would say no matter where you are,  find your local farmer’s markets and visit them. I guarantee you will not only have an excellent experience that can become part of your regular routine, but every time you sit down at the dinner table your tastebuds will thank you for it.



How to get to Brickworks
Evergreen Brickwork Website
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How to get to Fresh from the Farm –
Fresh from the Farm website
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10 thoughts on “Supporting local farmers at Brickworks and Fresh from the Farm

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Supporting local farmers at Brickworks and Fresh from the Farm | Joseph's Site --

  2. Claire

    So happy to see you supporting local farms!
    I am convinced that the next over-glamorized, high-ratings, network shows will be featuring ‘CELEBRITY FARMERS’.

  3. Jeni

    This was such a great entry! Personally I buy all my meat from a local Butcher but I can’t seem to get in the habit of buying local produce.
    I have seen the movie Food inc. though and that gave me motivation.
    Thanks for posting this as a reminder to buy local and keep our farms profitable.


    Though comments are always welcome, I think there is a sense of disappointment regarding “Good Post” related comments. Personally, I love engaging in discussion with readers, after all–that’s the point of even starting a blog.

    1. admin Post author

      Well I definitely think we will build a conversation. Like any good community it takes time to build. That said, I hope you enjoyed the post.

    1. W5BB

      One of the reasons that this is my favourite time of the year is the availability of local produce in the GTA. The Brickworks is relatively new, but places like the St. Lawrence Market or Stouffville’s Country Market are an integral part of the local community. But, if you look, there are new “farmers’ markets in various locations in the GTA driven by the growing demand for local produce. Some are community initiatives like the one at the East York Community Centre and some are church initiatives like the one on Kingston Rd. east of Warden at St Nicholas Church.

      The initial attraction may be how or where you were raised (rural vs. urban), but the lasting impression is made by the taste of those fresh fruits and vegetables.

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