Category: General

Pro and Cons of the Buffalo Bills moving to Toronto

I just came home from another heart breaking loss for the Buffalo Bills at the hands of the Chicago Bears. The Bills are now winless (0-8) this season. This game was all part of an ongoing experiment to bring the Bills to Toronto for one game a year.  After getting my heart pulled from my […]

Pulse Theory – An Approach to Modern Marketing

In today’s world of online marketing, you need a framework or approach to string together all the activities that are seemingly countless of theories are approaches. This is a theory or approach I have pulled together after years of marketing. This is a combination of both strategy and tactics. What is pulse marketing? Well, think […]

Dead is Dead – Long live (Insert Something Else Here)

As we approach Halloween, many discuss the dead rising up in zombie form to terrorize the living. I feel sometimes we are walking among zombies. There are far too many trigger happy journalists or bloggers (if you still distinguish the two from each other) who are ready to close the coffin on a technology, a […]

When Marketers Fall Prey to Marketers: The Baby Conundrum

My wife and I are currently expecting our first child. As first time time parents, we have started to the do the normal things to prepare: read a few books, begin to set up the nursery, and hear stories about other parents’ experiences (sometimes ad nauseum). I have felt the inklings of parental vibes in […]

Social Media vs. ROI – Clash of the Titans

A bit of history When digital marketing first emerged, two groups quickly developed. The first group included those who embraced it willingly because they saw the opportunity that change brings, while the second group fought against it as they saw it as a threat to the way that they did business. In the first camp […]