HoHoTO – Toronto tech community opens its heart to fight hunger

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.

– Charles Dickens

As the holidays approaches each year, while many gather to celebrate their many blessings they have received over a feast of food, many go without. There are many families struggling to put food on the table, especially during the holidays. The Toronto Daily Bread Foodbank valiantly tries to make sure every table has food, but even do-gooders need help.

With a shortfall of 140,000 pounds of food and $85,000 from the Fall Drive, Daily Bread is looking to raise 1.2 million pounds of food and 1.2 million dollars by January 4 in order to ensure that food continues to go out over the winter months to families struggling with hunger. Most-needed food items include peanut butter, rice, dry pasta and sauce, baby formula and food, dried or canned beans, canned tuna and meat, canned fruits and vegetables. Enter a merry band of social media enabled individuals bent on mobilizing the Toronto technology community to give back and help those less fortunate. In response to the growing need from the community for food, HoHoTO was born.

Using little more than their Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn rolodexes, the organizers have made sure that HoHoTO has become a regular fixture on the Toronto tech event calendar. For those interested in this event, it is recommended that they move quickly. This event is a regular sell out and tickets are on sale now here. Essentially, for every ticket a person can eat for a week.

One of the defining elements of the event is the support from our community – the corporations and individuals who make the lion’s share of donations to the event. You can see the long list of sponsors who contribute and are classified by the holiday theme that is a hallmark for the event. While HoHoTO has an impressive list of sponsors, the fight to keep Toronto fed is not an easy one and they are looking to surpass last year’s goal of $65,000.