Joseph Puopolo Leaving StickerYou

After nearly 18 months of sticker awesomeness, I have mutually decided with StickerYou to part from the company. Over the past year we have accomplished so many things, whether it is getting picked up by Groupon or Living Social and having our retail product featured in Toys R’ Us and other major retailers.

Over the past year we have accomplished some amazing things:

  • 500% Increase in Traffic and Sales
  • 1000% Increase in organic traffic
  • 10’s of thousands of happy customers who keep coming back for more

This is not the end for me and StickerYou. I will be staying on in and advisory capacity. Whenever you spend so much time taking something to the next level, you want to make sure it continues to succeed. This is a testament to the relationship I have made with so many people. They make StickerYou what it is and are its heart and soul.

To the StickerYou staff, I can say your dedication is only outstripped by your talent. While our team has changed over the year, I am more convinced than ever this is the best team to handle the upcoming challenge for the next year to continue to evolve this company.

To the StickerYou board, I have always had an excellent relationship with you. You have provided thoughtful advice both to succeed and grow personally and professionally. I look forward to both the continued personal and professional relationship that we have built over the years.

To Andrew, this is your baby. Please continue to nurture it and help it grow into the company you envisioned, when you started this journey. You are truly passionate and committed to its success.

While today is my last day I can look back and be proud of what I accomplished and the impact I have made.

Now to the Future

What does the future hold for me ?!?! Well a number of people have been already asking me whether I would come work for them, whether I would consult, whether I would start my own start-up or even whether I would escape into the Himalayas and regrown my Movember beard. The honest truth is I haven’t decided where I want to throw my time and energy just yet. If you have any ideas as to what or where I should spend my time I am open to ideas.

I leave for a much needed cruise and vacation this week, where I can contemplate these life changing decisions on a beach.

I am always available via Twitter @Jpuopolo or email [email protected]. I would put my ICQ number here, but that might date me .