Leveling Up – JPUOPOLO.COM has been Gamified – Experiments With Gamification

Ever since game dynamics really took center stage with things like Foursquare, I have become very interested in how people become so quickly enticed in to getting badges and earning points. There are have been other companies who have taken gamification to websites. Two companies, specifically Badgeville and Bigdoor, have caught my attention. I will be writing a detailed article on both. In the interim, I have decided to gamify my website using Big Door’s plug-in. Now by interacting with my site you can earn points. Right now you can’t use these points for anything (I am still figuring that part out).

If you want to earn some points you can start by:

  • Checking In using the bar below  (10 points) 
  • Commenting on any article (15 points)
  • Liking my page (10 points)

I am still experimenting with Gamification, but would like your input on how I could either improve the experience and make gamification a worthwhile addition to my site. I would encourage you to to interact with my site and see game dynamics in play.

2 thoughts on “Leveling Up – JPUOPOLO.COM has been Gamified – Experiments With Gamification

    1. Joseph Puopolo Post author

      I am actually using the widget on their site not the plug-in. So far engagement is up! Have you liked something yet and got extra points? If not give it a try

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